The Ninth Circuit reverses its long-held precedent on the effectiveness of expungements of some drug crimes.

Sunday, July 17th, 2011

If I knew how to put a black box around a posting to signify a sad, dark day for non-citizens, I would do it for this posting as I write about a new decision, Nunez Reyes v. Holder, which overrules Lujan-Armendariz v. INS,  a decision that recognized state expungements of simple possession drug offenses so that the harsh immigration consequences of drug convictions would not apply to those with expungements. First, what are the “harsh consequences” of simple possession offenses?…

What if she was a foreigner?

Friday, October 10th, 2008

Cindy McCain Numerous newspaper and magazine articles have written that Cindy McCain, second and current wife of Senator John McCain, entered a federal first offender drug diversion program in 1993 or 1994 after becoming a addicted to pain killers she obtained illegally through a charity she ran. According to these reports, the program required community service, drug treatment and reimbursement to the Drug Enforcement Agency for investigative costs. There is a Federal First Offenders Act [FFOA], found at 18 U.S.C….